Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Cage veils fall in the category of the shorter ‘fashionista' veil that has gained so much popularity the past few years they've almost become the norm. I've always thought there's something chic, even edgy about a bride sporting a wisp of nose veil over her eyes. A little history lesson here-- Vera Wang reinvented the look for short pouf veils pairing them up with very formal gowns a few years back. Whether she wanted to show off the extraordinary back details of her gowns or usher in a new look, who can tell?  I only know the juxtaposition this duo created worked.  A few years later the cage was resurrected mostly by indie designers dabbling in vintage.
Brides say the best thing about wearing a shorter veil is, they don’t have to do any adjusting in that switch from the solemnity of ceremony to big time partying hearty. Short veils are also easy to maneuver around in and stay put whether you’re exchanging vowels, cutting cake or dancing,
As you can see by taking a look at these images--there's more than one way to don a cage.  Cages are a lot like hairdos; they sometimes need to be adjusted with hairpins and lots of patience to get the precise look you want and this is where your hairdresser can be a Godsend.  Cages are typically made out of either tulle, the standard light weight bridal veiling, or, netting—wider and crisper, offering a more structured and high fashion look 

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